Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I order and send a gift?
Most of our products have been grouped into separate Category, so they should appear on the different pages under a category. You can select products from the category.
You choose a product from any category then click on view details to see details about that product. After seeing the details, you will see ‘addto cart’’ button in the product page. Click on ‘add to cart’’ for place your order. Then the page will go to another page and it will ask you ‘continue shopping’ or ‘checkout’.
If you like to buy more items then click on ‘continues shopping ’. And choose other item in same way.
Any time you can see your shopping cart that how much you bought and how many items. Just click on ‘shopping cart’
If you want to remove any product from your shopping cart, just select the product to remove it and click remove. you can see always how many items in your shopping cart .
And any time you can check out by giving billing and shipping information. Just click on ‘checkout’ top on the page.
After give all the information (shipping and billing), delivery information and payment method, you need to click submit order.
Next page will be process order , then click continue payment ,it will bring you our secure payment .
2. What credit cards do you accept?
We currently accept all types of major credit card.
3. How can I confirm if my order is on its way?
You will receive confirmation email
a . upon ordering, containing your invoice number, product/s you ordered, date of purchase, recipient's names and addresses, your gift card message, preferred delivery date, as well as your special instructions.
b. you will also receive payment confirmation by our secure paymnet method company like alertpay ,paypal,moneybookers,google checkout.
4. I want to call you. What are your office hours?
You may call our customer service number (+632 9079046 ) from Monday to sunday( between 9 AM to 11 pm ,Philippine time),While you can chat to our 24 hours customre service and may continue to place your orders online,
5. When will I be charged from my credit card?
You will be charged upon approval of the credit card information you submit through our secure payment system.
6. Are there any shipping charges?
No . shipping is free all over the Philippines.
7. Are there any extra charges?
No , there is no additional charges. you just need to pay the product cost in the website.Shipping is absolutely free.
8. I was trying to pay but the validation is taking too long, What happened?
You may have encountered a temporary network congestion problem with our payment gateway provider's system. If you would like to retry your transaction, kindly exit your current browser and open a new one after a couple of minutes. Click on "shopping bag" .if there is no items in shopping bag , then you need to choose again the product and proceed to checkout.
9. I saw a message that the page cannot be displayed.what happened?
You may have encountered a temporary network congestion problem with our payment gateway provider's system. If you would like to retry your transaction, kindly exit your current browser and open a new one after a couple of minutes. Click on "shopping bag" and proceed to checkout.
10. I want to pay by credit card, but it is redirecting me to pay pal.
You can pay by credit card in PayPal payment method. You don’t need to open a pay pal account.there is option in paypal payment